If we are what we eat, then eating healthy food makes us healthy people. We all know that when we who eat healthy, balanced diets we are likely to have plenty of energy to work and enjoy ourselves and have fewer illnesses. Specifically, here are the health benefits of eating well:
Keeps skin, teeth, and eyes healthy
The things you need to give yourself glowing hair, skin, eyes, and teeth are the following: apples (good for your teeth), eggs (keep skin and teeth looking healthy and promote and maintain optimal eye health), fatty fish (improve the health of your skin and helps protect eyesight), almonds (keep your cells and tissues strong), yogurt (help prevent tooth decay and keep your teeth in their best health), avocado (contains essential fats and nutrients for your eyes), celery (keeps teeth healthy), sweet potatoes (good for the hair); tomatoes (help prevent damage to your skin), dark chocolate (prevent tooth decay).
Incorporate more of these foods into your diet; and your skin, teeth, and eyes will stay healthy.
Supports muscles and strengthens bones
Two key nutrients for strong bones are calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is the mineral that strengthens bones and teeth, and vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium while improving bone growth. These could be found in milk, salmon and tuna, yogurt, spinach.
Our muscles also need proper nutrition. Just like the bones need vitamin D and calcium, our muscles need protein to stay strong and healthy. The best sources for protein are lean meat, fish, egg, and nut butter.
Boosts immunity
A strong immune system helps to keep a person healthy. Incorporate the following foods into your diet and strengthen your immune system: blueberries (especially for the respiratory tract immune defence system), dark chocolate (protects the body from free radicals), turmeric (improves the body’s immune response), spinach (boosts the immune system), green tea (strengthens the immune system), kefir (increase antioxidant activities).
Helps the digestive system function
Filling up on fiber and drinking plenty of fluids helps in maintaining healthy digestive system. Foods rich in fibers are wholemeal bread, brown rice, fruit and vegetables, beans, and oats.
For fluids, water, of course, is the best for the digestive system. Others include herbal teas and milk.
Helps achieve and maintain a healthy weight
Managing your weight includes eating a variety of healthy food. A healthy meal emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products. It should also include a variety of protein foods such as seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), soy products, nuts, and seeds.
Lowers the risk of some chronic illnesses
Chronic illnesses like heart disease, cancer, lung disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, etc. are directly related to faulty dietary choices. Eating healthy food helps prevent these diseases from occurring. Consumption of whole grain, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds promote health and prevent disease.
As you can see, it is important to eat the right food and drinks as this can have a direct impact on your health.